Communicating science is a project actualized by the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences at Sabanci University.

The project aims to lower the language barriers to create a two-way communication between scientists and the public. We have realized that the most efficient platform of communication emerges when the experts cope with the challenge of answering a diverse set of questions by nonexperts.

Storytelling and narratives may help communicate science to nonexperts. We extract stories and narratives from the original research questions and outputs by revitalizing the creative process at a meeting where both experts and nonexperts are present.

Our information designs reach maturity when experts come to recognize that they had not thought of their research in the way they now conceive it and that they have benefited from the feedback from nonexperts.

We desire to multiply our communication channels to include all layers of the public and to have the society’s engagement in the science-engineering-technology ecosystem.

Deniz Cem Önduygu and Emre Parlak, who have graduated from Sabancı University and work on information design, are part of our team. They used the typeface Duru Sans, designed by Onur Yazıcıgil, a faculty member of Sabancı University.